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IPv6 CLI commands

IPv6 Commands

Below are the most important helpful commands for checking and diagnosing the IPv6 environment

Windows 8 / 10

ipconfig /alldisplays all interface details
ping ::1Test IPv6 protocol host internally (localhost)
netsh interface ipv6 show interfaceInterface status (all) and IPv6 addresses
netsh interface ipv6 showaddressIPv6 addresses including validity displays
netsh interface ipv6 show privacy
netsh interface ipv6 show global
See IPv6 Configuration and Privacy Extensions

netsh interface ipv6 show route
route print -6

Show IPv6 routing table
netsh interface ipv6 show neighborsMapping IPv6 addresses to MAC addresses
netsh interface ipv6 show destinationDestination cache incl. PMTU values
netsh interface ipv6 dumpshow all changes
netsh interface ipv6 resetreset all changes


ifconfig -a
ifconfig eth0 | grep inet6
displays all interface details
ETH0 only IPv6 addresses
ping6 ::1Test IPv6 protocol host internally (localhost)
ip -6 address show
ip -6 maddr show
Interface status (all) and IPv6 addresses
show multicast groups
netsh interface ipv6 showaddressIPv6 addresses including validity displays
ip -6 route show
route -A inet6 -n
Show IPv6 routing table
ip -6 neighb showMapping IPv6 addresses to MAC addresses
ip -6 route get to {ipv6_addr}Destination cache incl. PMTU values
test -f /proc/net/if_inet6 && echocheck if IPv6 is active

macOS since 10.7

ifconfig -a
ifconfig -L
displays all interface details
shows the period of validity of the addresses
ping6 ::1
traceroute6 {ipv6-host}
Test IPv6 protocol host internally (localhost)
netstat-f inetshow all IPv6 connections
netstat -gshow multicast groups
netstat -rnf inet6Show IPv6 routing table
ndp -aMapping IPv6 addresses to MAC addresses
dscacheutil -flushcacheclear DNS cache
nettop -n -m routeView routing statistics in real time
nettop -nShow TCP & UDP sockets in real time