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F5 APM Microsoft Exchange 2016

Microsoft Exchange specific config options for integration with F5 APM

OWA 2010

Integrate Microsoft OWA and APM seems to be easy but the devil has to be found in the details.

Example: The customer want to give the options like the light version or public- or private-computer to the users like here in OWA 2010:

OWA Options.png

When you log in, OWA offers the following options:

  • This is a public or shared computer: Allows you to be logged in for 1 hour before you are automatically logged out.
  • This is a private computer: Allows you to be logged in for 24 hours you are automatically logged out.
  • Use the light version of Outlook Web App: Removes some of the features of OWA.

This settings are described here:

OWA 2016

OWA 2016 logon options.png

Config Options

Change the OWA logon options with the following settings:

Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -LogonPageLightSelectionEnabled <$true | $false>
Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -LogonPagePublicPrivateSelectionEnabled <$true | $false>

Direct URL for using the different OWA modes


Using Outlook Web App Web Parts

OWA Layout choice

How to compose a New Message or Event and Populate fields in OWA

Layout Mode

Type one of the following parameters behind the /owa/ part to change the layout.

?layout=tnarrow Single column layout optimized for small screens or when holding the tablet in portrait mode. This is the standard for recognized and supported smartphones.
?layout=twide Multi column layout optimized for larger touch screens or when holding the tablet in landscape mode. This is the standard for recognized and supported tablets.
?layout=tmouse Default layout optimized for mouse usage. This is the standard on normal desktops and devices with a supported browser. When the browser isn’t supported, OWA Light will be loaded instead.
?layout=light Light Layout for low bandwidth usage